Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Too Much of ANYTHING is Never Good!

Flooding from the Ohio River in Metropolis, Illinois
May 10, 2011

Some will disagree with me, but I truly believe that too much of anything can be detrimental in one way or the other.  And yes, I would even argue that to be the case with too much money.  One only needs to point to the news or call out certain names to understand that too much money leads to greed, dishonesty, crime, cover-ups or just the inability to handle lots of money (i.e. lottery winners).  But this is not about money.  On our trip to Colorado (and you will be seeing pictures from that trip for a LONG time!), we saw lots of heartbreaking scenes like the picture above, where way too much water was causing major problems.  This was actually a totally flooded state park on the outskirts of Metropolis, Illinois.  On our return trip 6 1/2 weeks later, we noticed that the park still had not reopened and although the water had receded, the ground and facilities were a complete mess.

My point?  Since Monday's somewhat depressing post, I've done a complete about face and am now feeling like this:

Superwoman - Metropolis, IL

But in the process of the metamorphosis from Downer Dufus to Superwoman Sharon, I've learned re-learned some things which Stubborn Sharon wishes would sink in for good!  Since that horrendous weigh in early Monday morning, I have carefully planned, evaluated, measured and written down every morsel of food that had passed my lips.  And I have attempted to eat the way I always eat.  It becomes so clear to me that there can be no argument with WHAT I eat.  I cover every food group, eat food in the healthiest form available to me, try to eat it in the most natural form I can, and make a concerted effort to avoid processed foods.  But I have come to a crashing, crystal clear revelation that TOO MUCH OF ANYTHING IS NEVER GOOD!  Even yummy fruits and fresh vegetables need to be measured.  I'm not currently doing Weight Watchers, but I am a lifetime member so am a fan of the program.  But I honestly believe that I am the one who could mess up the "free" fruits part of the new plan.  For example, in my refrigerator right now, is a brilliant red personal watermelon.  It is totally delicious.  I could easily cut it into bite size pieces and eat the ENTIRE thing.  You could give me a choice of potato chips, cake or the watermelon and I would choose the watermelon.  But I must understand that TOO MUCH OF ANYTHING IS NEVER GOOD!

So this is what Superwoman Sharon is concentrating on this week and it is working.  I cannot thank you enough for your feedback from Monday's post.  It was quick, it was helpful and it was what I needed.  Thankfully, once I got over the shock of a 7-pound in 5 days gain, I went to work and the results have been good.  But I am giving myself credit for hard work.  Did I panic?  A little, perhaps, but the point is, I turned it around and we are back on track.  

1250 calories
17021 steps

1158 calories
18410 steps

As of this morning, I had lost five of the seven pounds.

Remember what I said about our return trip by the previously flooded park in Illinois?  The water had receded, but the mess remained.  What a clear picture of exactly what happens when we eat too much!

This morning during my quiet time, Psalm 145 was up next and one particular verse stuck with me all day.  Verse 14 says:
God gives a hand to those down on their luck,
      gives a fresh start to those ready to quit. 
The Message Translation
I can't say that I was ready to quit, but I believe that God (through the words and kindness of my friends in BlogLand) gave me a hand and the courage to make a fresh start. 

And I thank you from the bottom of my heart!

Maybe I'm wrong - It seems one could NEVER have TOO many ENCOURAGERS!


  1. I thought they'd come off fast:) Did you know that I am also a lifetime WWer? Or, should I say, WAS. I stopped going and, of course, regained it all plus. I went back in January before my surgery to check out the new program and talked to the leader about the fruit thing because I absolutely can overeat fruit! Of course, her answer was so simple. You are only supposed to eat it as free points if... drum roll... you are hungry. Well, that is my major issue with everything! Eating when I'm not hungry. So, I'm with you on this. Heck, I even wrote once about how the calories in my green beans added up fast! Welcome back, superwoman.

  2. Great job with the quick loss!

    I'm a huge watermelon fan too. My grandfather planted a watermelon patch just for me when I was growing up. Icy cold watermelon on a hot day is just the ticket.

  3. I love the Superwoman photo!!! I always find weight comes off quickly when I first get back on the old wagon after slips... or tumbles over the clif. Glad you're on track and pleased.

  4. You look with the big muscles and cute butt! ;-)

  5. The thing about the aftermath of flood or fire is that the results are often more ferile land and abundant growth. It's not messy; it's the life cycle. :)

    I've got a weekend watermelon waiting for me. I'll overdo, I'm sure, but I figure it's better than a bag of Doritos. LOL
