Friday, June 25, 2010

I Am One COOL Chick!

People generally tell me I'm a pretty cool person to be around, but in case that title has you thinking I'm an arrogant fool, read yesterday's post and understand being one cool chick is totally literal!  I spent yesterday waiting for someone to come repair our non-functioning air conditioning unit and that person never showed.  Needless to say, I was HOT in more than one way.  No call, no explanation.  The heat index was well over 100 - it was a difficult day for me.   But that was yesterday.....air is now functioning perfectly, it was a simple fix which translates to as little expense as one could expect, so now, I AM one cool, happy chick!!

I look for what all of life's experiences, gains or losses, can teach me about my weight loss journey.  That's why I call this blog, "Life Through Sharon's Eyes."  Yesterday's misery is forgotten, today's agenda is my focus.  How I wish I could so easily forget poor food choices I might make on a given day and focus on the next day's opportunities.  In the whole scheme of things, 48 hours without air conditioning was minimal.  In the whole scheme of things, a poor food choice, snack, meal, day or even week is minimal.  Put it behind you, move forward.

Mr. B (referring to my husband - this is what his students call him) has gone to Chattanooga for a conference so I have until Saturday evening all to myself.   Chattanooga, with its amazing downtown revitalization and 10-mile Riverwalk, is a couple of hours away from our home. It has become a quick getaway place for us, so the original plan was for me to go with him, stay a few extra days and do some biking.  With temps in the mid-90's, we nixed that plan earlier this week.

I have plenty to do here and am excited about getting started now that I'm "cool."  This also gives me two full days of eating without having to think of anyone other than myself.   I have my meals planned and believe I will work the plan without much difficulty.  None of my trigger foods are in the house.  I will have to walk at the mall today, but tomorrow plan to get out early and walk to the farmer's market.  I am sad to say, we do not live in a pedestrian friendly area, so we have to drive to a certain point before we can walk to the farmer's market, but we've established a great route that gets my steps for the day with a fun break at the market.  It's something Mr. B and I truly enjoy doing together, so I will really miss him in the morning.  The last two weeks we were in Lexington, so I can't wait to see what's new.  Summer produce should be starting to come in by the boatloads!!  Gotta keep up my goal of finding something new every week.

I'm am working on some July goals for both myself and the blog and will share soon.   For now, this "cool" chick is headed for her "cool" kitchen to do some cooking.


  1. Sharon,
    Good luck this weekend. I have more trouble when I'm alone because I don't have to be accountable to anyone. It takes a lot more mental toughness on my part. It doesn't sound like that is the case for you.

  2. Glad you got that air conditioning fixed - it is miserable when we don't have working air. When the ac man comes he's my new best friend! Enjoy your quiet weekend.

  3. Hello! First off, oh I'm so glad you got that A/C fixed. What a bummer!

    Secondly, thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting. It might've been here that I saw the idea for averaging the past seven days, but your blog looks different from the one other time I remember visiting. who knows??

    I'm glad to hear that idea works and look forward to trying it out. Have a nice weekend in your cool home! :)
